
Foster Maddox and family, Benjamin Riley Maddox

Left to right: Foster N. Maddox, (My great, great grandfather.)  Benjamin Riley Maddox, child possibly Ruby Jane Delbridge, Morther: Sarah E. Ramsay Maddox and child possibly Edna Maddox. Back row, William Frank Maddox.

In memory of Aunt Cathy Baucom

Rocky's yellow rose from her memorial flowers



Another sweet video of my dad Frank Baucom singing!

"Trying to get home, they don't allow hobos hanging around!"

In which the Dickey's go to Nashville and see the Whiteside family, the Science Adventure Center, eat at world famous meat and three, Arnold's and make 3 trips to Kentucky for enough gas to get to Huntsville, because as most of you know by now, Nashville is OUT OF GAS!

"It is sooo relaxing riding the bus.........."

"Everyone needs their memories...."

They keep the wolf of insignificance from the door.

I had the funniest dream last night about Aunt Barbara Baucom

I dreamed that we were at the lake visiting Aunt Barbara. She asked us to ride to Centerpoint with her to pick up her daughter Jennifer. So we all hopped in Big Mickey's conversion van and drove to Centerpoint. Once there, the boys and I went inside the Publix to get Freddie some dog food. When we came out, the van and Barbara were gone!

A few minutes later my cell phone rang and it was Mickey Jr. He said "Hey, mom's lost over on Acton Road, she was driving around looking for a grassy place to let Freddie out to do his business. She is a little upset and is going to go ahead and go back to Lake Martin and wants you to call your dad to come pick you up there in Centerpoint."

The truly hilarious thing about this dream? It actually could have happened in real life!

Photos from Uncle Mickey's funeral

I knew these photo negatives existed, I had looked for them for years.   I finally found them yesterday. My dad had placed them in what amounted to his saftey deposit box. (Yes, there was money in it. $2.oo dated 1963 in an old wallet with an Alabama football ticket stub.)

This was such a sad day, but I'm glad these photos exist. So many of these precious people now gone.

I was also not surprised to find Uncle Pat in some of the photos. This week, when I was telling Cameron about Uncle Pat and what he meant to our family I said "if something happened, good or bad, he was one of the first people there. And he usually brought a ham."

The Baucom family was blessed to know our Uncle Pat Rosato.

Heather's 21st Birthday!

Red Lobster-Vestavia.10-11-08

This photo to the right was taken about 19-20 years ago. At Red Lobster in Crestwood. We were celebrating my dad's birthday I think.

More about banana pudding or: Every pictures tells a story, don't it?

About 8 years ago, Sister S brought Baby P to the Snider family reunion in Northport, Ala. (Tuscaloosa.)
I guess Baby P was about 6 months old and Sister S was still nursing her.

Sister S was sitting between our grandmother, Dorothy Maddox Matthews and Dorothy's sister,  great aunt Ima Maddox Niemeyer. They were discussing the fact that Baby P had never been given table food (yet), and Sister S was telling them about what the experts say about food allergies and why babies shouldn't be given table food. About that time Dorothy reached over and stuck her finger in Ima's banana pudding and got a big glob on her finger and stuck it right in Baby P's mouth!

Baby P obviously loved the taste of that pudding and she latched her little toothless gum's down on Grandma Dorthy's long, bony finger like it was the last bite she's was ever going to get. Then she lunged at Dorthy's plate as if to say "give me more!"

I have a few pictures of that event, I was sitting right across from them and as usually had my camera at the ready. (I only found this one.But there is one with Dorthy's finger in Baby P's mouth! It's so cute, I wish I could find it.)

Dorthy looks so pleased with herself, like the cat who swallowed the canary. Baby P looks happy. Sister S looks shell shocked and Aunt Ima is sitting there with this look on her face that says "I had nothing to do with that baby getting that banana pudding!"

It was almost as funny as the time young Beth (around 9 years old) forgot that she was taking a photo of Dad (Frank Baucom)  and great granddad (Big Papaw, Estell "Doc" Baucom).  They were at Forest Hill Cemetery in Birmingham, Ala. at the grave site of Big Papaw's late wife, Bennie Eliza Hall Baucom.

My dad wanted Beth to just snap a photo of them together,  looking down at the grave. But Beth noticed they weren't looking at her, so she called out, "Ok, y'all look this way and smile!!!"

Oh the look on their faces!!!!!!

I have that photo somewhere also.

Every pictures tells a story, don't it?

The Difference

My young son wakes up in the morning and hits the ground running.
I wake up in the morning and hit the ground face first.

West End High School, Varsity Basketball Team, 1958

Click to see a larger photo. My dad is # 32. Bill Battle is right next to him.

West End High School, Varsity Basketball Team, 1958

Some old Baucom Family photos!

More coming soon!!